Luxury Handbags
Shop our fantastic selection of authentic, pre-owned designer handbags and accessories. Our luxury brands include Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Hermès, Prada, Gucci, Burberry and more.
Please note these are previously owned items. Unless otherwise stated, it may not be in absolutely flawless condition.
We aim to provide very detailed pictures to aid in describing the condition of each item. BARRY’S is not directly affiliated with any brand, and 3rd party Entrupy is used to authenticate all items.
Enhance your style with Barry's Jewellers’ collection of luxury designer goods. From iconic brands to unique pieces, our selection includes high-quality handbags, wallets, scarves, and accessories designed to add sophistication to any wardrobe.
We source our luxury items carefully, ensuring each product embodies quality, durability, and elegance. Whether you're looking for an investment piece or the perfect gift, our luxury designer goods provide the finest in fashion and functionality.
Explore our exclusive collection and enjoy the timeless appeal of designer fashion. Visit us in-store or shop online to find the latest additions to our collection of luxury goods.